
Monday, 24 June 2019

Wahine Disaster

Wahine Disaster Facts!
This disaster happened on 10th of April 1968.
566 passengers and 110 were safe.
46 bodys were found.
6 people were missing.
68 cars, 25 tons of general cargo and 144 mail aboard the boat.
Skin divers went out to look at the boat.Image result for pictures of wahine
Image result for pictures of wahine

It crashed during a tropical cyclone.
It crashed just after 6 am.
It was just when the captain turned the boat into the harbour into wellington .

Wahine means you woman especially a young surfer.

Monday, 17 June 2019

Respect of others

The virtue this week is 'Respect of others by listening'. This is the powtoon I made to show people how to show Respect. I hope you enjoy it and please leave a comment šŸ‘